Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Week Fourteen

My husband came home last night and wanted to know how much more we needed for our storage. I thought maybe he was wanting to talk about it during FHE. But the truth was he has been really worried because of the economic situation in our country right now. These are the last days - not that we are predicting anything - but it did give a great opportunity to discuss with the children once again the importance of following the prophet. Following a prophet even when we don't see the importance or value of it. We are not near our goal of a years supply but we are closer than we have been in a long time. We were able to show the kids that even though we are very active in the church we as adults need to be listening just as much as they are. Knowing we are obeying gives us peace. Peace in a time when there is so much unrest going on in the world around us. I think it is a very valuable lesson for our children to have.

This weeks food is wheat. If you have your wheat then I suggest maybe replenishing some petty cash for yourself. I know of a sister that always has hidden away in a couple of places $100. I know that that is a lot of money but if you add some every week it could add up. This is not cash that is to be used for any other purpose than during a crisis situation. And no it is not a crisis when shoes go on sale for half off and you need one of every color:) What is a crisis? Well that is for you to decided for your family but it is something I would make a matter of prayer. The Lord will bless you as long as you are obeying and what you might think is a crisis just might be one of the blessings. So don't get discouraged or overwhelmed. The Lord knows your heart and will open doors!

WEEK FOURTEEN: 100 lbs. of wheat

1 comment:

Lorna said...

Well, I'm glad you're doing this Candy. I've have been thinking in the last two days how I can prepare our family for a depression because if it comes to that I want to be prepared. Ironically, food storage had slipped my mind. Thanks for helping me remember.