Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Week Thirteen

Now that school has started it seems I have a little more time to organize things. So I have been putting things on my shelf in date order. Making new lists of things I want to add to my storage and deciding how to fit more into what space I have. It seems that a lot of people have made the comment to me that they really want to start their storage or add to what they already have. Please do not put it off anymore. If you are only just buying the few items a week you are doing something. I think sometimes we think we have to have it all - I promise it will come and the Lord will provide a way for those who are earnestly seeking to obey. Since I have started this there have been two times that some extra money has just fallen into our lap. I used that money to purchase food because I felt that is what the Lord intended it for. He knows our hearts and our situations - don't give up. Keep taking it a little at a time. I just want to encourage everyone to keep going and going and going. Just like that commercial for the bunny and the batteries don't run out. One week at a time, one purchase at a time and you are obeying the counsel from our prophet. You can become perfect in this.

WEEK THIRTEEN: 1 bottle of multiple vitamins

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