Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week Seven

Sorry this is a little late. Getting caught up after trek has taken me some time. Anyway, I can't believe how well I have done in just six short weeks. My storage is really beginning to look like a food storage! This week is item is a little more costly than the $5. I know that I have talked to a couple of people and they were having a hard time finding some wheat. The cannery did not have any when they called and so they went to another cannery and purchased quite a bit and split it with people.

For myself I have my wheat already so I am going to be working on my 72 hour kits. I will have a longer post on this in a couple of weeks so I will wait to tell you all what and how to get this going.

A sister has been emailing me and giving me great advice about bread making. You will want to learn this skill as practice is what makes great bread! Storing your yeast in the freezer and then the refrigerator will extend the life of your yeast. She has been using hers for 1 1/2 to 2 years now and it is still making great bread. Personally we are still working out the balance with the white flour and the wheat flour. My goal is to get into the habit of bread making once a week and then only using our homemade bread. At $3 a loaf at the store for the good bread it only makes sense that I can save in our food budget by making my bread. I am not there yet but we are working up to it. We have been using our bread maker but that only makes one loaf at a time. By September it is my goal to a full time bread maker! A little side note: We use honey in our bread and the kids also like honey for their sandwiches. If honey sits a little while it starts to crystallize and all you have to do is heat it in a pan of warm water and it will remelt. Anyway, Taylor saw my jar of honey and thought it was bad so she threw it out. It was not very old and not much had been used. When I asked where the honey had gone - she said oh, it went bad so I threw it away. I had to laugh because one time when I was little my mom had bought some bread that still had flour looking stuff on the crust and I kept throwing out the bread and she could not figure out what was going on. I thought it was bad, it was just flour on the crust. Anyway, it was a good opportunity for me to teach her about honey and we had a good but expensive laugh!

WEEK SEVEN: 100 lbs of wheat

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